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Wi Wi Trading Co. Ltd. was established in year 1970. Trading of tubes/valves was one of the minor sectors of the Company's business in '70s. The business expanded in early '80s, with more business locally and overseas. In 1980, the Company moved to its own building, which contains six storeys in the Central of Hong Kong Island.

We realized that the irreplaceable richness of the sound from quality electron tubes would be in high demand by audiophiles. Therefore, we bought as many quality tubes/valves (most of them are discontinued items) as we could find from the markets, auctions and friends everywhere. In year 2005, the Company bought a 4000 sq. feet premise for our office, showroom and warehouse. This new location is about two minutes by walk from our old building, which is keep as warehouse by then.

We continue act as the distributor/sole agent for the USA Amperex,
Bugle Boy and Cetron in Hong Kong, Macau and China.
With all your support, we still running as one of the biggest
electron tubes dealers in Hong Kong and Asia.

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